I have always wanted to go skydiving. I have friends and at least one child that says, "Why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good plane?" Because I want to know how the eagle feels would be my reply. It must be glorious.I sustained a major head injury when I was 33 years old. Nearly died; in fact, it amazed everyone that I
http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/skydiving-its-on-my-bucket-list/Friday, August 30, 2013
Thursday, August 29, 2013
The Great Aurora Geese Invasion
There is a pond where I live that is host to migrating geese each year. The fall migration cycle has begun and it is the first year I will be here for the whole show.I walk the pond several times a day and I took this video as I walked both sides of the pond so I can share with you the twice annual great geese invasion.That was one
http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/the-great-aurora-geese-invasion/Saturday, August 24, 2013
Thinking, Reflecting and Figuring Out How To Move Forward
Today has been a day for thinking, reflecting and figuring out how to move forward in key aspects of my life. I have days like this fairly often. For the most part I enjoy them because it means over all I'm progressing. You don't have challenges if you're not moving forward.I do a lot of my thinking on my walks around the pond. I love being
http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/thinking-reflecting-and-figuring-out-how-to-move-forward/"How To Earn $3,000 Per Day" - $0.00 charge for my readers
Hey You need to check this out. The guys in this video have shown me how to make over $3,000 a day..... -No Phone Prospecting -And YOU Keep 100% Commissions -Tons of Newbies Are Making Money -A New 6-Figure Earner Every 3 Days -No Selling or Chasing Friends -No Cold Calling, Period. -No Home Parties -Over 160,000 members already joined -No Clickbank Marketing, Period. -No Wussies Allowed, Period. -No potions and lotions -Affordable for anyone This is the real thing. >> [FREE Video] How To Earn $3,000 Daily - $0.00 Charged These guys have paid out over $60 MILLION in commissions in the last 21 months.... ...to newbies, housewives, school teachers, auto mechanics, DJs, pastors, real estate agents, plumbers, construction workers and doctors.....and people JUST LIKE YOU AND ME. This is it. This is your chance for a fresh, new start. It works for average people all over the world. And it can work for you. Watch the video here: >> [FREE Video] How To Earn $3,000 Daily - $0.00 Charged Let's
http://archive.aweber.com/getfreedomdream/801E2/h/_How_To_Earn_3_000_Per.htmWednesday, August 21, 2013
The Power of Decision: The Decisions You Make Today Create the Life You Live Tomorrow
I'm sitting in Kelly's room on my Wednesday night Extreme Team Hang-out. John Lavenia and Lisa Kitter and talking about how one becomes successful and how you instill belief into people. It takes work, success does not fall from the sky. If you do the work it will come. Decision is a powerful thing. A powerful decision made today, will
http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/the-power-of-decision-the-decisions-you-make-today-create-the-life-you-live-tomorrow/Need Some Help Earning Online?
If you're struggling to make anything online - then you should see this! Go here to see it now This 7 figure marketing expert is handing you the keys to his online business. To make money online you all you need is a tried and tested strategy! This guy is giving you his full online blueprint that has been tested to make money like clockwork for the last 7 years straight! However this offer very limited! If you want to take advantage of a proven 7 figure blueprint that will help YOU start making a living online... ...Go here to check this out NOW! To your IMMEDIATE success, Tom and Lorien
http://archive.aweber.com/getfreedomdream/EPVII/h/Need_Some_Help_Earning.htmMonday, August 19, 2013
Carved Camp Cowboys, Mini Golf and Goals
Here are the pictures I took of the RV camp cowboys. There was an interesting article in the adult lounge about how they came to be here. There was a museum for carvers that went bankrupt and all the carvings were sold to pay off some of the debt. The folks who own the RV park purchased four life sized fellows and they have a display of
http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/carved-camp-cowboys-mini-golf-and-goals/Sunday, August 18, 2013
Happy Birthday to Me: 57 Trips Around the Sun Done, #58 is Gonna Be The Best One
Today marks the end of my 57th trip around the sun and the beginning of my 58th. Which means of course that it's my birthday. I've not been a fan of birthdays. I enjoyed them as a kid, I have pictures of birthday parties with my family so I think they were nice. I don't remember being a kid. But I do have pictures and things said by family
http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/happy-birthday-to-me-57-trips-around-the-sun-done-58-is-gonna-be-the-best-one/Saturday, August 17, 2013
How to Keep Your Mind Sharp and Stay Young
The campground has just about reached capacity today. Lots of folks in their golden years are here. Pulling big rigs with big trucks, getting them all set up and then going off to enjoy the festivities. All of them able to get around and do for themselves things you wouldn't expect of folks their age. And yet they are just fine, minds
http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/how-to-keep-your-mind-sharp-and-stay-young/Friday, August 16, 2013
Camping: One of The Joys of Life
I love to camp. When I was a kid we would go tent camping on weekends and for family vacations. I've been camping in the mountains of southern California, Sequoia, Yosemite and Yellowstone.Things were different when I was a kid. Kids could roam free without fear of harm coming to them. Camping for me meant being able to run wild in
http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/camping-one-of-the-joys-of-life/Now is the time to Become a Entrepreneur and make LOTS of money online
This is the time to become an entrepreneur. There has never been a
better time to become an entrepreneur. People everywhere find themselves
in need. And, for the most part, they know it. They need guidance, mentoring, and coaching right now. You can serve them and make a huge difference in their
Make LOTS of Money Online
The internet is a legitimate way to make money (fast and easy). If you know the secrets you can become very successful quickly. I have personally found secrets to the complicated online marketing world. One of them is selling information products.Selling information products is by far one of the best ways to earn money online. You will have a high profit margin and once you have a product, all you have to do is sell it to make money (fast and easy). And, just think, how well would a product sell that actually teaches you how to make LOTS of money online?
Blogging is another great way to earn extra money online. If you have a certain niche to write about, and have good content that will attract viewers, then extensive traffic can be created to visit your site. Adding ads or widgets that people from your blog to a website can be very profitable.
I am happy to say I have found all the above ways to make LOTS of money online working together in one place. And those who are applying these tactics to their online marketing approach have had tremendous success. I can share more with you if you have an interest.
So, there you have it, why and how to become a entrepreneur.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Do You Have Parasites? Yep! Here’s How To Get Rid Of Them And Why You Want To
I was scouting out U-tube this morning looking for something to blog about. I've been thinking about doing a few on specific herbs as I enjoy studying plants and their uses. I decided to look for some that would not be familiar to everyone. Tried Wormwood first as I know it's good for removing parasites, something everyone has and no one wants
http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/do-you-have-parasites-yep-heres-how-to-get-rid-of-them-and-why-you-want-to/Network Marketing Is Your Way To Make Money Online In A New Economy
Network Marketing is the best way to make money today. It isn't a lottery ticket or something in which you have to find a special gimmick, angle, or secret that has made others successful. It is a profession. It is a career choice if you do it right.
Network Marketing is the best way to make money online.
There are numerous advantages to network marketing as opposed to a conventional job. You do not have to commute. You are your own boss. And because of this you are paid directly for your own performance. There are no educational requirements, no discrimination, and no politics..You can have an unlimited income. You can have a residual income, you have all the benefits of being a traditional business owner without the overhead and risks, and you have the freedom of your time. You do not have to look a certain way, set your alarm clock, or even dress to meet somebody else's standards.
To be successful as an network marketer you must make a conscious decision to develop your skills in network marketing. You need to decide to become an expert in your field. Any profession requires you to develop skills, practice, and educate yourself in all aspects of your career. It is commonly accepted that it takes approximately 10,000 hours of practice to reach an expert level in anything. Think about it. This means if you practice something for four hours a day, for seven years, you will achieve this level of achievement. Luckily, you can make alot of money with network marketing while you become an expert in this field.
There are only three primary elements to network marketing. They are the company's products, the company's compensation program, and you. It should be noted that you are the only variable in a network marketing opportunity. The company's products and compensation package are the same for everyone. Therefore, if you see alot of success in others in a network marketing company, you should correctly conclude that you are the difference between success and failure. You should not blame your upline, the timing of your enrollment, luck, or anything else for your lack of results. Your focus should not be on when you are going to get your next sale. Your focus should be on your development as a network marketer. Everything changes in your business when you take full responsibility for your network marketing career.
A network marketing professional is not a salesman. He understands the value of relationships. People repel a pushy salesman that comes on like a shark or a car salesman that makes you feel like a hawk is swooping down to have you for lunch. A network marketing professional approaches you as a coach or consultant. He offers you suggestions on how to live a better life. His job is to educate people and help them understand what he has to offer. The initial goal is education and understanding.
Now, for the real secret to network marketing.... you. In a traditional business people are buying a product. They buy products with network marketing too. But the product people really buy is you. You are perceived as the bridge to get people from where they are to where they want to be. You must be seen as a leader that people want to follow. Someone they can trust. They have entered network marketing with a problem. You must be perceived as the solution to their problems.
This is why successful marketers are always learning. Be a student of the business. An attribute of all top earners in the industry is to always be an active student. Lou Holtz put it like this, " In this world you're either growing or dying - so get in motion and grow." Never stop learning.
Anything Worth While Takes Time
It's strange... but when someone starts a traditional business, they hope to break even in a few years. And the goal is to pay back the initial investment in the first five years.Somehow, people think differently about Network Marketing. People get started without any skills, often do not want to invest in training, and expect to make back their money in the first month in business. They expect to make a profit in the second month and to be rich in the third month.
Network Marketing is a better way to go to make income. But we are not dealing with magic beans or fairy dust. You can not expect "the laws of business" to not apply. It is possible to "get rich quick" with network marketing. This is what people want. I am happy to say that I have seen this happen many, many times. The way to do this is to make a firm decision of commitment.
If you are ready to reach inside, embrace network marketing, and let us help you reach your goals, financially and personally .... then Click HereWednesday, August 14, 2013
How to Repel Mosquitoes From You and Your Yard
It's August which means hot weather, lot's of BBQ's, day's spent by the pond and lot's of camping and hiking. All of which is delightful unless you are hiking in the forest or the sun sets on your BBQ. Mosquitoes and other biting insects love shady paths in the woods and come out in droves once the sun goes down. They do not however, need to
http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/how-to-repel-mosquitoes-from-you-and-your-yard/What's The Hottest Way To Make Money On The Web?
Well, let's ask those in the know..... Empower Network is exploding with growth. It is the place to be if you want to make money. It is the home business you WANT to join. $25 gets you started in business. That's what I did, and I haven't looked back. Don't miss your chance. Act now Click Here and join now. Tom and Lorien P.S. Need to know why this is the home home business you WANT to join? Read this - http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/the-best-home-business/ Get started Here
http://archive.aweber.com/getfreedomdream/MexEY/h/What_s_The_Hottest_Way_To.htmThe Best Home Business
There are more and more home businesses every day. Many of these businesses have great products. Some have great compensation plans. A few of them have great leadership. The question is if there is a home business that has all three ingredients. And which home business is the best home business to join? I’ll give you my opinion and why.
The first thing to consider when considering joining a home business is leadership. Many home businesses have closed their doors due to poor leadership. What is the purpose of the company? Was the company formed to help others and produce success in any new member? Or maybe, the company was founded to make the founding members rich. I endorse the lead by example approach. If the founders of the company simply do what they are asking you to do, and that is how they make their money, then this is a great company to be associated with. I have found leadership that does this. Leadership that is transparent is important too. A leader that is open and honest with their intentions, their past, their failures, and their goals and dreams. You can follow this kind of leader and company. In short, you are following the leadership as much or more than the product(s) of a company. In the same way that people buy you before they buy products from you, you buy in to the vision of a company and the leadership more than the products themselves. People want to be part of something special. The right home business should be perceived as having the leadership, vision, and vehicle to get you to accomplish the fulfillment of your dreams.
The next thing to look at in a home business is the compensation plan. You want to make as much money as possible for your efforts. This is why I endorse 100% commissions. If you make a sale, you make your money back. There was not a home business, I’m aware of, that had 100% commissions until October 31,2011. Since that time, several companies have emerged to try to copy the original 100% commissions company. Unfortunately, those companies seem to lack the vision, heart, leadership, and community of the original. The compensation plan of a home business reveals many things. It reveals the intentions of the founders by where the money goes. It shows what is important to the company, you or your money. Any compensation package that is going to build your future should also have residual income. A home business with residual income allows you to continue to get paid on your previous efforts. The compensation package of a home business should have both 100% commissions and residual income.
Now, let’s look at what you do not want in a home business.
- You do not want to live your life on the phone. Spending countless hours on a phone selling people on a product or home business opportunity is not freedom. Doing “3 way calls” will eat up your time and burn you out with little return.
- You do not want to have fill your garage and/or cellar with products. These products have a very limited return on your investment. It takes a huge amount of effort, time, and space to make any kind of real profit. The profit margin is small.
- You do not want a high tier home business opportunity. This greatly limits the prospects to potentially become involved with the company. In contrast, if you have a low tier home business, anyone has the ability to get started and build a business. This greatly increases the percentage of people who may join the company. Remember, the home business arena is a numbers game.
- You do not want to do home parties. Making cookies and having a small group over to your house will have a very limited return for your time. Again, it is a numbers game. It is better to have thousands of people looking at your website than ten people in your living room.
I have found one company that meets all this criteria. Alexa ratings seem to agree. The company is Empower Network. Empower Network has exploded on the scene giving the average person the ability to be successful in a home business.
We hope this helps. I wish I knew this five years ago. If you would like to see what we are doing to be able to share and spend time enjoying the summer, fall, winter, and spring ….click here.
Our $25 Story of Success in Empower Network
Our $25 story of success starts in December 2011. My wife and I had been involved with at least five home business opportunities previous to that time. We had spent tens of thousands of dollars in out attempt to create a different life and lifesytle for ourselves. We actually approximate that we lost about $70,000 in our attempts to have a successful home business. We had invested countless hours and been committed with our time and effort to achieve our goals and dreams. But no matter how hard we tried, how much we educated ourselves in marketing, and how disciplined we were to follow the leadership of those we viewed as successful, we still did not gain success in our business.
In December of 2011, I noticed a friend and acquaintance of mine had made some changes in his home business approach. He had stopped marketing in the company we were both involved with. So I decided to see what he was doing and where he was doing it. I soon learned that Tony had joined Empower Network. I decided to take a look at this company and soon decided to join too. This was the beginning of our $25 story of success with Empower Network.It turned out that you can start a business with Empower Network with just $25. I felt this was a no risk investment. It was only $25 to check out this business opportunity, get a blogging platform, fast start training, capture pages and sales pages, and begin to create what we had desired all along - the life of our dreams. In December of 2011 we started our new home business. And we made our first $25 online EVER our first week with Empower Network. Our success story was beginning.
Myself with David Wood - co-founder of Empower Network
Lorien with Ashley - David's wife
Lorien and I with David Sharpe - the other co-founder of Empower Network
A month later we purchased our Inner Circle product with our profits in our home business. We worked in various social media sites to develop a greater sphere of influence. The next three months we had no success. I worked on the business several hours a day, but had no signups, no success. In May 2012, we bought our 15K and Costa Rica Intensive products. In June we posted our first ads in LinkedIn jobs. BAMM - we started to produce 10-15 sales a month. In October we purchased our Master's product. We ranked in the top 200 members at the San Diego, Austin, and Chicago Empower Network events. Our success story was continuing to grow.
It is noteworthy to mention that on Christmas 2011 we made our first $25 online EVER with Empower Network. Exactly one year later, on Christmas 2012, we woke up to our first $3,000 day with Empower Network. Our success had grown from $25 to $3,000 in a day in just one year.
I have made alot of mistakes this past year with Empower Network. But I have been developing the skills and been learning about network marketing. I can show that my mistakes cost me about $30,000 in passups last year alone. But, the truth is, the money is in the mistakes. What I have learned this past year will yield us hundreds of thousands of dollars and lead us to greater and greater success.
I made the following video last November. In it, I speak about the intentions of quitting my job in the coming months. I give a candid description of our journey to independence and a home business success. Since the time of the video we did indeed quit our jobs, buy a RV, and head west. Watch the video - get to know us - we can be the bridge to get you where you are to where you want to be. We can show you the way to success.
Our story of success begins in December 2011. Now we have our dreams unfolding before our eyes. We have quit our jobs, bought our RV, and hit the open road. Our decision to join Empower Network is our $25 story of success.
If you would us to show you and lead you to your own story of success, click here.How To Make Money (Fast and Easy)
The internet is a legitimate way to make money (fast and easy). If you know the secrets, you can become very successful quickly. The internet is powerful and probably the biggest change in our lifetime. It has changed every business. And, therefore, it has changed how to make money. The internet allows us to learn new ways to market and make money all the time. I have personally found secrets to the complicated online marketing world. One of them is selling information products.
Selling information products is by far one of the best ways to make money. Information is one of the best selling products of all time. People buy all kinds of information. Everyone is looking for the secret to instant success. You will have a high profit margin and once you have a product, all you have to do is sell it to make money (fast and easy). And, just think, how well would a product sell that actually teaches you how to make money online?Surprisingly, blogging is another great way to make money. If you have a certain niche to write about, and have good content that will attract viewers, then extensive traffic can be created to visit your site. Adding ads or widgets that people view from your blog to a website can be very profitable. You should place these links (backlinks) strategically in your blog so that traffic will be sent to your website. It is sort of like a lost leader in a supermarket sale. People come in to a store to pick up the sales of the week and buy other products while they are there. It is the same thing with blogging. People come to your blog for information or to learn how to do something. Then, while reading your blog, they notice other things of interest. This is how you can make money from blogging.
You have what people need
People everywhere find themselves in need. And, for the most part, they know it. They need guidance, mentoring, and coaching right now. You can serve them and make a huge difference in their lives. When they see someone else making money, they want to know how they are doing it. So, tell them your story. Tell them how you learned to make money. If you do not have a personal story of success, tell them about someone else who has had success. The main thing is they need to see that you are providing an answer to their pain and financial problems. They must believe you can show them how to make money. You can be the bridge from where people are to where they want to go.Until now, people have put much faith and felt secure in their employers and government. But masses are now coming to realize that their government, employer, or other institutions cannot be trusted. It is an unpleasant reality that institutions do not really care about you at all. They only care about the perpetuation of themselves at the expense of all others.
The important truth to remember is people are tired of having promises broken and their futures stolen from them. They are looking for ways to make money that once again give them hope for a better future and to live the life of their dreams. To this end, people are searching for new ways to support themselves and make money.
The era of leaving the mainstream has come. People do not want a job. They see it as a dead end, a repetitious way of life without the fulfillment of a dream. A job gets someone else rich while you "get by" from all your work and efforts.
"Imagine the insanity of seeing people waking up to an alarm clock, stressed to the max, sitting in traffic, going to work wearing clothes... they don't like, eating food they don't like, talking to people they don't like, just for a pay check that doesn't even satisfy their needs". - Kevin Knecht
That insanity is the life of nearly everyone I know. For most folks, you could add to that list that the job itself is not what they are passionate about.
Now, it's your turn to make money. The next step is up to you. If you have a dream of a better life and want to take steps to living it, this is the way to go. It's way better than working for 40 plus years and then having to live on Social Security.
I can share more with you if you have an interest. Simply click hereTuesday, August 13, 2013
How To Explode Your Income
The first step to explode your income is to quit your job. Stop and think about it. Is your current job situation going to get you from where you are to where you want to be? Is your income going to be any better next month? next year? Probably,not. In fact, things will probably be worse. National and global job security is diminishing. People with experience are being laid off or bought out for others to be paid less to do more work. Benefits are being taken away from most everyone. It doesn't matter whether you have a government job or one in the public sector. Everyone's income seems to be less while the cost of living is increasing. You need to explode your income. So do your children and friends.
Many people have taken the approach of an advanced education to provide greater income. While this may have been a valid way to make a better income and future in the past, it no longer holds true. Countless college graduates find themselves in debt to the tune of $100,000 or more. They are working in restaurants or other service oriented jobs. College graduates find themselves working side by side with high school graduates. So, the same principle applies to all of them. You trade your hours for dollars. You rent yourself out for a price. This is the definition of a job. There is a better way.A home business is the answer to your problems. Noone can hold you back from success in a home business, but you. You are not in competition with anyone or at the mercy of someone else's subjective attitude towards you. There is no limit to the income you can make. And, you can explode a daily income, your weekly income, your monthly income, and yearly income if you have the correct attitude, work ethic, and business to promote.
The people who succeed in a home business all have one thing in common. They have predetermined to succeed no matter what. You must decide, ahead of time, that no matter what, you are not going to quit. You have decide you are going to go all out with your effort. Your mindset should be, "I'm going to win,I'm going to make a huge income, succeed, or I will die trying." And "try" is not part of your vocabulary. You do not allow any negativity. No negative language or thoughts. You go in to this knowing that you will fall, have obstacles, get knocked down, and make mistakes. But, just like a boxer, you have already determined to get up when you get knocked down and fight some more. Every successful person in any home business has suffered numerous defeats and had to overcome many obstacles. But, they simply know this ..... they will never stop fighting. And they will win. It is this kind of attitude that fuels the ability to explode income. You give it your all. You do everything within your power, all the effort and energy you have, take every step you can toward your success, every day. And you do it until you achieve your goals and dreams. Your income will reflect this determination and mindset.
Another crucial factor to explode your income is to approach this as a business. You cannot think of your business as a hobby. You do not want to approach your business with the idea of seeing if you can make some money. Take a professional approach. Lay everything you have on the table and go after it. Take massive action to get massive results. If you want a massive income, give it a massive effort. Learn the skills of the trade. Anything worthwhile takes time.
It's strange. When someone starts a traditional business, they hope to break even in a few years. And the goal is to pay back the initial investment in the first five years. Somehow, people think different about a home business. People get started without any skills, often do not want to invest in training, and expect to make their money back in their first month in business. They expect to make a profit in the second month and be rich in the third month. This is ridiculous. I understand why people come to this expectation. They see someone come in and they immediately have large incomes. But this is like looking at an iceburg. Two percent of an iceburg is visible. The other 98% is out of sight. It is the same with a home business. People who come in and make huge incomes are most often those who have been making mistakes, learning the skills of the trade, and being knocked down and getting back up for some time.
A home business is a better way to go to make income. But we are not dealing with magic beans or fairy dust. You can not expect "the laws of business" to not apply. It is possible to "get rich quick" with your own business. It is possible to build a large income. This is what people want. I am happy to say that I have seen this happen many, many times. The way to do this is to make a firm decision of commitment, give it all you've got, (we call it "getting all in") and know it is alright to make mistakes. The money is in the mistakes. A no quit attitude is the key to an explosive income.
How do you explode your income? Take personal responsibility for your situation. Commit yourself, all of yourself and resources to make the needed changes in your life. Realize the amount of income you have is up to you. Get out of that dead end job as soon as possible. Start the right home business. ( I will explain how to do this in my next blog and video) Go after your new business with the mindset that this is a matter of life or death, because it is. Everything in life is either growing or dying. Whenever you stop growing, you start dying. It is this way throughout nature. Decide today to start growing your income.
If you would like to see what I'm doing, how I was able to quit my job, how my wife was able to quit her job, and how we have bought our RV and moved out west to enjoy our life on our terms, then click here.How To Find The RIGHT Home Business (Important Distinctions)
How do you find the right home business to join? Many of us have used the trial and error method. I am writing this article to save your valued time and money. The understanding I'm sharing with you here cost me approximately $70,000. I will give this to you for free. I am happy to say I have found the right home business for me. This information should serve you to find the right home business for you.
The first thing to consider when considering joining a home business is leadership. Many home businesses have closed their doors due to poor leadership. What is the purpose of the company? Was the company formed to help others and produce success in any new member? Or maybe, the company was founded to make the founding members rich. I endorse the lead by example approach. If the founders of the company simply do what they are asking you to do, and that is how they make their money, then this is a great company to be associated with. I have found leadership that does this. Leadership that is transparent is important too. A leader that is open and honest with their intentions, their past, their failures, and their goals and dreams. You can follow this kind of leader and company. In short, you are following the leadership as much or more than the product(s) of a company. In the same way that people buy you before they buy products from you, you buy in to the vision of a company and the leadership more than the products themselves. People want to be part of something special. The right home business should be perceived as having the leadership, vision, and vehicle to get you to accomplish the fulfillment of your dreams.The next thing to look at in a home business is community. If you get started with a home business, you need interaction with others who are active in the business. You do not want a situation where you buy in to a home business and then you feel the unspoken words, " Good Luck to you". The more you are around and interact with successful people, the more it will rub off on you. The community will provide a positive environment for your growth. Weekly calls to keep you informed of innovations and developments in the company are great. Training webinars to advance your knowledge and skills in the industry are very valuable. Company events to recharge your batteries and to develop personal relationships with others and leaders are significant factors in your success. The community of a home business that possesses all these interactions is a great company to align yourself with.
The next thing to look at in a home business is the compensation plan. You want to make as much money as possible for your efforts. This is why I endorse 100% commissions. If you make a sale, you make your money back. There was not a home business, I'm aware of, that had 100% commissions until October 31,2011. Since that time, several companies have emerged to try to copy the original 100% commissions company. Unfortunately, those companies seem to lack the vision, heart, leadership, and community of the original. The compensation plan of a home business reveals many things. It reveals the intentions of the founders by where the money goes. It shows what is important to the company, you or your money. Any compensation package that is going to build your future should also have residual income. A home business with residual income allows you to continue to get paid on your previous efforts. The compensation package of a home business should have both 100% commissions and residual income.
Now, let's look at what you do not want in a home business.
- You do not want to live your life on the phone. Spending countless hours on a phone selling people on a product or home business opportunity is not freedom. Doing "3 way calls" will eat up your time and burn you out with little return.
- You do not want to have fill your garage and/or cellar with products. These products have a very limited return on your investment. It takes a huge amount of effort, time, and space to make any kind of real profit. The profit margin is small.
- You do not want a high tier home business opportunity. This greatly limits the prospects to potentially become involved with the company. In contrast, if you have a low tier home business, anyone has the ability to get started and build a business. This greatly increases the percentage of people who may join the company. Remember, the home business arena is a numbers game.
- You do not want to do home parties. Making cookies and having a small group over to your house will have a very limited return for your time. Again, it is a numbers game. It is better to have thousands of people looking at your website than ten people in your living room.
Another tip to look for in a home business is to identify what people want. What are people looking for? Well, this is a time of increased knowledge and technology. People are using that technology to search the internet for answers. People will do a Google search to find out how to do something or to acquire information on a topic. A company providing information on how to utilize the internet to market and make money online, for example, has a product most people are seeking. So, information products, educational products are the way to go. The markup and consequent return on your investment is 100 percent.
Those are the do's and don'ts in looking for a home business. Look for reliable leadership, great community interaction, 100% commissions, and information products in a home business. Stay away from high tier opportunities, home parties, inventories of products in your home, and spending your life on a phone.
We hope this helps. I wish I knew this five years ago. If you would like to see what we are doing to be able to share and spend time enjoying the summer, fall, winter, and spring ....click here.Fear: The Devil in Disguise
If there is a devil, it is not the red fellow with horns and a tail we met in childhood, it is not the most beautiful of angles gone bad we met later in life at church, it is fear. The Christian Holy book says the devil comes to kill, steal and destroy. Fear does all of those things. Trouble is, your fear can't harm me at all. What kills my
http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/fear-the-devil-in-disguise/The Benefits Of A Home Business
The benefits of a home business are many. I mean, who wouldn't want to get rid of their alarm clock? And not have to commute to work? The benefits of a home business allow people to do away with these things. You do not have to get dressed up in a manner mandated by others. You do not have to associate with people who you would never want to speak with. You do not have to go to break, start and end your day at a certain time. You do not need permission to have a particular day or time off from work. You can decide your best course of action every day. People can see the benefits.
There are two main benefits that motivate every person who considers starting a home business. Any time you speak with somebody who is looking in to a home business, they identify the same two benefits. They do not want to work for someone else. And they want to do what they want, when they want, with the people they love in their life.One of the top two benefits of a home business is not having to go to a job. This is usually the first reason people give to start a home business. They do not enjoy being controlled. They want to get out from beneath someone else's thumb. They believe they are worth more than they are being paid. And their job is not getting them to where they want to go in life. Their job has become an integral part of their life. It is not the life they want. But their circumstances dictate the need to go back again tomorrow and the next day. It is as if someone has put a shotgun to their head and they have no choice.
Other important benefits of a home business is people want to do the things they want to do. One of the benefits of a home business is to be able to do what you want, when you want, with the people in your life that you love. People always voice this desire. Many want to travel. Some want to just relax or pursue a hobby. But most want to have the time to share their life with their loved ones and spend time enjoying activities with them.
Everyone would love to be in charge of their own life. People are enslaved. Enslaved to a way of life that does not bring happiness and fulfillment. And, as time marches on, we come to the realization that the current plan to achieve our dreams, goals, and aspirations is not working. If you keep doing what you are doing, these hopes and dreams will never be. This is why people decide to begin a home business. The benefits of a home business produce the ability to have the freedoms of choice and time in our lives.
Is this your plan? How is it working for you?
The benefits of a home business far outweigh the costs, time, and work needed to become successful. Just keep your eyes on the benefits and work as if your life depends on it, because it does. The ability to live life on your terms and reap the benefits of your work depend largely on your commitment and perseverance to build your business. It is hard work. But it is worth it.
Are you ready for a better way? I was. Click hereThe Secret To Great Results
Everyone wants to know the secret to getting results in a home business. As soon as you join a home business opportunity, you see and hear about the success stories. And then you ask yourself," What is their secret?" Some of us take initiative and ask what the secret is. We are told there is not one. We are told to be persistent, learn the skills of the trade, apply the training we are given, and take massive action to get massive results.These are real factors of success in a home business. But what if there really is a secret to getting great results in your business?
Let me start by telling you a personal story. In first grade I had a music teacher that told my parents that it was an impossibility for me to ever learn to play clarinet. I continued to teach myself for the rest of my life. The result of my persistence was I ended up representing the United States competing internationally throughout Europe. I even received a standing ovation from 14,000 people in an international stage band competition after a sax solo. I'm telling you this to point out that telling your story has great results. Story tellers make great marketers.The secret to great results in your home business is simply to tell your story. The people getting the best results are the ones who are always telling their story. They tell and show people about the results they have had and it causes even better results. In other words, they use a result to create another result by telling the story of the first result. This is a fantastic approach to marketing. Talking about your results replaces the grinding out success.
I have a friend, a self-made millionaire in the industry, who I have watched use this secret extensively. He started in our company making Facebook posts. On one day he would say, " I didn't expect this, but I made $75 today just from making a couple posts and placing an ad." Then the next day I would see him posting more social proof with a screenshot or a video. He would point out how his income keeps climbing and now today he made $200. He was continually telling his story, going from one victory to another. The secret of telling his story was always producing greater results. He continues to tell his story to this day.
You can use this secret even if you are new to the business. You simply use someone else's story until you have one of your own. I did this myself. I used friend's stories until I had one of my own. And I still use their stories, from time to time. The secret to success is talking about the success you have already had.
Now, I have to caution you about one thing. Never share your struggles while you are in them. Keep them a secret. You can share your struggles after you have your way through them. Then they become part of your story. The secret to getting results is talking about your victories, where you have come from, and where your achievements have brought you. The secret to success is telling your story of success. Only after your hardships, mistakes, and failures are a thing of the past, do you share them as part of your story. Until then, keep them a secret.
This is an example of part of my story. I told people how I made my first $25 online on Christmas in 2011. Then, I shared how I had my first $3,000 day on Christmas of 2012. When I shared this part of my story, I attached a screenshot of my success. I have done this repeatedly as I have more and more successes. I can directly attribute the secret to many of my results to sharing the results I have already had.
The secret to great results in your business is to tell your story. You can use the results you get to create more results. Become a story teller in your business. E-mails that tell stories produce far greater results. People relate to them and tell themselves that they can do it too. Yes, there is a secret to marketing. The secret is to always be telling your story.
My story grows better every day. Click here to start your story.Life Is Good
Life is good. Life is good when you do not have to set the alarm clock anymore. Life is good when you do not have contend with a commute. And life is good when you do not have to go to a job. It was not long ago when I was going to work 6 days a week, working overtime every night, and was working a job that had a stress level that was rising daily.There was more and more work to be done and more time mandates in my job every day. I came to the point where I knew I could not go on. I decided to take $25 and start a home business. I'm glad I did. Since then, I have retired both my wife and myself in just 16 months. And I could have done it quicker. I created my future with $25. I can be the bridge to take you from where you are to where you want to be because I have been where you are and I have found the way out.
I'm just a regular guy that had no experience with internet marketing. I had no list. And I had no budget to buy ads to get our business going. I have definitely been where you are. I wanted to change my life. I realized I had a life I wanted to live. But it was not the one I was living. Money had always been a problem place in our life. There was never enough. There were no vacations, fun trips, or special gifts in our life. We always had to be frugal and careful with the money we had. There had to be a better way.My wife and I have had a dream for many years to become free from the rat race of going to our jobs. We have wanted to live a life of freedom, a life of choice. We knew we needed to make changes in our lives for this to happen. So, we began to pursue the home business industry. We became involved with many home businesses over the years. The results were never what we wanted. But we kept taking action on our dreams. And finally we came across a company that was really formed for regular people, like you and me, to succeed and live our dreams. For the first time in our home business career we have been making real money. The kind of money that has allowed us to quit our jobs, begin to live the life of our dreams, and build a business that will fund all our dreams and desires.
Life is good because we found Empower Network. Empower Network provides training and tools for the experienced marketer or the common man newbie marketer to develop an online business or to grow their current endeavors. Most people have found the Empower Network so lucrative that they either put their primary business on the back burner or abandon it completely. It has fantastic leadership and a community of people who have joins arms to help each other succeed. It is the place where I have finally found the ability to make the kind of money to break free from the herd. I don't have to line up with other people's expectations and requirements.
I'm just a regular guy who has found the way to freedom in my life. I've worked all my life in various jobs. I worked long and hard. I am an individual who has had several diversified career employments in my life. I have been a professional musician and played with the elite 33rd Army Band which represents the United States for presidential, dignitary, and competitive functions overseas. I play saxophone, clarinet, and flute. I have been a full time police officer receiving letters of commendation and setting physical fitness records at the police academy of a 4:15 mile run and 2,222 consecutive situps. I also had a master rating with a firearm. I have been a regional vice president of a financial services company overseeing, training, and hiring agents to sell stocks and insurance products. And I have been a postmaster in the Postal Service. Now, my wife and I have established a business which can be duplicated by others and create the opportunity for myself to retire early, travel, and teach others how to acquire their dreams. I know the way out. I can show it to you.
We now have begun to live a life of going to ballgames, seeing the sights with our RV, and being able to be around for all the family events, birthdays, and holidays. It's great to take a vacation whenever you want to. This is why you want to start a home business. Your life will become your life. It will be like being a kid in the summer time. What do I want to do today, and tomorrow, and next week. A life of freedom is what you were born to live. Buy yourself one of those tee shirts to remind yourself. And then take action on your dreams. I want to show people the way I found to make money and become free.
Life is good. If you want to see what we do, just click here.How To Use YouTube To Get Leads
YouTube is a great way to get traffic to your blogs or websites. It has 800 million visitors to its site every month. YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. And it is ranked #3 in the world by Alexa. Every marketer should be utilizing YouTube. This article is designed to teach how to optimize the use of YouTube. It will teach you how to use YouTube to get leads.
Three PayPal employees, Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim, are the founders of YouTube. According to Karim, the creation of YouTube was the result of the Super Bowl incident of 2005. This is when Janet Jackson's breasts were exposed on national television. Hurley and Chen claim the idea came from making a video version of an online dating service. In either case, the idea of YouTube was given birth in the early months of 2005. A beta test of YouTube was done in April 2005 with the first video posted on the site. It was named "Me At The Zoo". It was taken at the San Diego Zoo. The official launch of YouTube was in November 2005. And on November 13, 2006 Google Inc. purchased YouTube for 1.65 billion dollars. Since that time businesses have found video marketing to be a leading method of marketing their products and services. Consequently, YouTube has become a valuable tool to promote and gain greater visibility. Now, on to how to use YouTube to get leads.
Step 1 – Keyword Research
YouTube Competition - Help Harry and Charlie win if you can
This video had over 205,000 views. If they can do it, you can.I'm sure you have found some information which you can apply to your YouTube videos. One last tip is to scroll to the bottom of the page of your YouTube channel and click on "Creators and Partners". This will bring up a page where you can select a box entitled, Creator Playbook. The Creator Playbook will give you extensive training on how to set up your YouTube channel and optimize your use of YouTube.
"I just joined a scam. You want to come?"
Yeah, you hear about these scams all the time..... I decided, with apprehension, to look at one. So, I took $25 to try one out. And guess what, I made back my money right away. Not only that, I made a profit. And then more profit. My income kept climbing as the months passed. Some days I would make nothing. Some days I made a $1,000, some $25, some $125, some $500 I even woke up to $3,000 days - made it while I slept. In fact, one of them was this past Christmas. Merry Christmas! Let me tell you some more of my story. I kept working at this for the next 16 months. You know, before work, after work, and on the weekends. I was able to quit my 70K job..... My wife quit her job.... We bought a RV with cash.... And hit the open road. If you would like a real change in your life..... Invest $25 in yourself and go after this. I'm glad I did. That's what it looks like to wake up to $3,000 Get started right now - Click here You can thank me later :) Tom and Lorien P.S. Results may vary. You ma
http://archive.aweber.com/getfreedomdream/LMljY/h/_I_just_joined_a_scam_You.htmMonday, August 12, 2013
How To Make Money Online
The internet is a legitimate way to make money online. If you know the secrets, you can become very successful quickly. The internet is powerful and probably the biggest change in our lifetime. It has changed every business. And, therefore, it has changed how to make money. The internet allows us to learn new ways to market and make money online all the time. I have personally found secrets to the complicated online marketing world. There are secrets on how to make money online. One of them is selling information products.
- There are many ways to generate traffic to your website. You must have leads to make money online. Most everything works. But obviously it is smart to find the way that works the best and fastest for you. Social media is generally a slow way to generate traffic. The only way to speed up the process to to engage with people and create a trusting relationship. It is also time consuming and a lot of work. Blogging is also a slow cooker type of approach. Conversely, paid advertising can have fast and immediate results. The trick to paid advertising to know where and how to advertise. Having a mentor to teach you how and where to do this is a smart way to learn how to make money online. Stay away from people that want to sell you traffic. That is how they make money online. They make their money from you. "Dig your own well" to make money online.
- There are several things that help convert your traffic and leads to sales. Daily e-mail correspondences with your leads create a trust and builds a relationship with people. This is what you want to do. A key to make money online is to develop relationship with prospects. This is how to make money online. If people identify with you and see the benefits to them if they listen to you, they will buy most anything you endorse. People buy you first, the product second.
- The third thing is a continuation to the second. The more of a relationship you create with your customers, the more likely you are to make money online. The greater the relationship, the greater the trust, the more people believe and know they will achieve their goals by listening to you, the more likely they will buy everything you direct them to buy. Communicating with your customers is a key to make money online. You don't just place an ad and take in the money. You can do that. But, to really make money online, you learn how to communicate with people.
You have what people need
People everywhere find themselves in need. And, for the most part, they know it. They need guidance, mentoring, and coaching right now. You can serve them and make a huge difference in their lives. When they see someone else making money online, they want to know how they are doing it. So, tell them your story. Tell them how you learned to make money online. If you do not have a personal story of success, tell them about someone else who has had success. The main thing is they need to see that you are providing an answer to their pain and financial problems. They must believe you can show them how to make money online. You can be the bridge from where people are to where they want to go. If they see your success, they will want to make money online also.Make sure that you predetermine to be in this venture for the long haul. The successful person who is able to make money online is one who stays in the game, working through hardships and failures, to achieve their ultimate dreams and goals. They have dreams and goals that out weigh any obstacle that comes along the way. They must know why they want to make money online. Their "why" must be specific so that when hardships arise the driving force of their "why" pushes them through those times.
The important truth to remember is people are tired of having promises broken and their futures stolen from them. They are looking for ways to make money that once again give them hope for a better future and to live the life of their dreams. To this end, people are searching for new ways to support themselves and make money online. 99% of te industry is inspiration and hope. Talk about your results. Talk about how you have learned to make money online.
Everyone would love to be in charge of their own life. People are enslaved. Enslaved to a way of life that does not bring happiness and fulfillment. And, as time marches on, we come to the realization that the current plan to achieve our dreams, goals, and aspirations is not working. If you keep doing what you are doing, these hopes and dreams will never be. This is why people decide to begin a home business. The benefits of a home business produce the ability to have the freedoms of choice and time in our lives.
A home business is the answer to your problems. Specifically, a home business that gives you the ability and freedom to make money online. No one can hold you back from success in a home business, but you. You are not in competition with anyone or at the mercy of someone else’s subjective attitude towards you. There is no limit to the income you can make. And, you can explode a your daily, weekly, monthly , and yearly income if you have the correct attitude, work ethic, and business to promote. When you decide to make money online, limitations on your income are removed.
One of the top two benefits of a home business is not having to go to a job. This is usually the first reason people give to start a home business. They do not enjoy being controlled. They want to get out from beneath someone else’s thumb. They believe they are worth more than they are being paid. And their job is not getting them to where they want to go in life. Their job has become an integral part of their life. It is not the life they want. But their circumstances dictate the need to go back again tomorrow and the next day. It is as if someone has put a shotgun to their head and they have no choice.
The era of leaving the mainstream has come. People do not want a job. They see it as a dead end, a repetitious way of life without the fulfillment of a dream. A job gets someone else rich while you "get by" from all your work and efforts.
"Imagine the insanity of seeing people waking up to an alarm clock, stressed to the max, sitting in traffic, going to work wearing clothes... they don't like, eating food they don't like, talking to people they don't like, just for a pay check that doesn't even satisfy their needs". - Kevin Knecht That insanity is the life of nearly everyone I know. For most folks, you could add to that list that the job itself is not what they are passionate about. This why people want to learn how to make money online. They know there is a better way. They rather have their future in their hands than in someone else's hands.
Another crucial factor to make money online is to approach this as a business. You cannot think of your business as a hobby. You do not want to approach your business with the idea of seeing if you can make some money. Take a professional approach. Lay everything you have on the table and go after it. Take massive action to get massive results. If you want a massive income, give it a massive effort. Learn the skills of the trade. Anything worthwhile takes time. To make money online, you need to move out of your comfort zone and be willing to learn new things and ways to relate to your prospects. Be authentic and someone others can identify with. If people see you are there to help them make money online, then you will make more money online.