Tuesday, August 13, 2013

How To Explode Your Income

The first step to explode your income is to quit your job. Stop and think about it. Is your current job situation going to get you from where you are to where you want to be? Is your income going to be any better next month? next year? Probably,not. In fact, things will probably be worse. National and global job security is diminishing. People with experience are being laid off or bought out for others to be paid less to do more work. Benefits are being taken away from most everyone. It doesn't matter whether you have a government job or one in the public sector. Everyone's income seems to be less while the cost of living is increasing. You need to explode your income. So do your children and friends.

Many people have taken the approach of an advanced education to provide greater income. While this may have been a valid way to make a better income and future in the past, it no longer holds true. Countless college graduates find themselves in debt to the tune of $100,000 or more. They are working in restaurants or other service oriented jobs. College graduates find themselves working side by side with high school graduates. So, the same principle applies to all of them. You trade your hours for dollars. You rent yourself out for a price. This is the definition of a job. There is a better way.

A home business is the answer to your problems. Noone can hold you back from success in a home business, but you. You are not in competition with anyone or at the mercy of someone else's subjective attitude towards you. There is no limit to the income you can make. And, you can explode a daily income, your weekly income, your monthly income, and yearly income if you have the correct attitude, work ethic, and business to promote.

The people who succeed in a home business all have one thing in common. They have predetermined to succeed no matter what. You must decide, ahead of time, that no matter what, you are not going to quit. You have decide you are going to go all out with your effort. Your mindset should be, "I'm going to win,I'm going to make a huge income, succeed, or I will die trying." And "try" is not part of your vocabulary. You do not allow any negativity. No negative language or thoughts. You go in to this knowing that you will fall, have obstacles, get knocked down, and make mistakes. But, just like a boxer, you have already determined to get up when you get knocked down and fight some more. Every successful person in any home business has suffered numerous defeats and had to overcome many obstacles. But, they simply know this ..... they will never stop fighting. And they will win. It is this kind of attitude that fuels the ability to explode income. You give it your all. You do everything within your power, all the effort and energy you have, take every step you can toward your success, every day. And you do it until you achieve your goals and dreams. Your income will reflect this determination and mindset.

Another crucial factor to explode your income is to approach this as a business. You cannot think of your business as a hobby. You do not want to approach your business with the idea of seeing if you can make some money. Take a professional approach. Lay everything you have on the table and go after it. Take massive action to get massive results. If you want a massive income, give it a massive effort. Learn the skills of the trade. Anything worthwhile takes time.

It's strange. When someone starts a traditional business, they hope to break even in a few years. And the goal is to pay back the initial investment in the first five years. Somehow, people think different about a home business. People get started without any skills, often do not want to invest in training, and  expect to make their money back in their first month in business. They expect to make a profit in the second month and be rich in the third month. This is ridiculous. I understand why people come to this expectation. They see someone come in and they immediately have large incomes. But this is like looking at an iceburg. Two percent of an iceburg is visible. The other 98% is out of sight. It is the same with a home business. People who come in and make huge incomes are most often those who have been making mistakes, learning the skills of the trade, and being knocked down and getting back up for some time.

A home business is a better way to go to make income. But we are not dealing with magic beans or fairy dust. You can not expect "the laws of business" to not apply. It is possible to "get rich quick" with your own business. It is possible to build a large income. This is what people want. I am happy to say that I have seen this happen many, many times. The way to do this is to make a firm decision of commitment, give it all you've got, (we call it "getting all in") and know it is alright to make mistakes. The money is in the mistakes. A no quit attitude is the key to an explosive income.

How do you explode your income? Take personal responsibility for your situation. Commit yourself, all of yourself and resources to make the needed changes in your life. Realize the amount of income you have is up to you. Get out of that dead end job as soon as possible. Start the right home business. ( I will explain how to do this in my next blog and video) Go after your new business with the mindset that this is a matter of life or death, because it is. Everything in life is either growing or dying. Whenever you stop growing, you start dying. It is this way throughout nature. Decide today to start growing your income.

If you would like to see what I'm doing, how I was able to quit my job, how my wife was able to quit her job, and how we have bought our RV and moved out west to enjoy our life on our terms, then click here.

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