If you've struggled to earn a good income online... ...it probably wasn't your fault. ==> Because you were LIED to! It's about time that somebody finally told you, once and for all... ... the real TRUTH about making money online and working from home. And although it's not your fault... ... you still need to know what to watch out for, and who to believe. You see, most Companies and Leaders inside the Home Business Industry... ... will tell you that it takes 3-5 years to become successful. And the Real TRUTH... ... is that it doesn't have to take that long. Not even CLOSE! (And there's a reason why they tell you that. I'm going to tell you why they lie to you on this webinar tonight.) The truth is that you can have serious, radical wealth in your life in as little as 3-12 months. But in order to do this, several key factors must be in place. Because not every opportunity is created equal. And because not every business model will even allow for it. ==> So, tonight, I'm ripping the lid
http://archive.aweber.com/getfreedomdream/ETxrD/h/The_BIGGEST_LIE_ever_told.htmThursday, September 26, 2013
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
MILLIONS Will Want This
Encyclopedia salesmen hate Wikipedia. And newspapers hate Craigslist. And music stores hate iTunes. And used bookstores hate Amazon. And travel agents hate Travelocity. And shoe stores hate Zappos. And language teachers hate Rosetta Stone. And colleges hate Great Courses. And monks hated Gutenberg. Guess what? Technology doesn't care who you hate. It's going to keep moving forward. Here's the new addition to the list: ===> Wordpress, Typepad, and Blogger are all going to hate Empower Network 2.0. To them I say: Suck it up. The game is changing again. You're now playing catch-up. Are you ready for the biggest launch in internet marketing history? http://www.blogbeast.com/?id= getfreedomdream
http://archive.aweber.com/getfreedomdream/6xh2D/h/MILLIONS_Will_Want_This.htmThe Product That Is About To Revolutionize The Internet
MILLIONS are going to want this..... No one else has it..... This is like having the chance to buy Apple stock in the 70's. http://www.blogbeast.com/id=getfreedomdream See you on the beaches of the world :) Tom and Lorien P.S. You can be grandfathered in to the launch of this product now and get in the front of the line to reap the rewards. Just click here
http://archive.aweber.com/getfreedomdream/M2nAD/h/The_Product_That_Is_About.htmThursday, September 19, 2013
My Family Is Growing
Favors 3 boys: Cyrus, Chase and IsaacMy facebook wall post of the day comes from my daughter Favor. She is carrying my first grand daughter. She has three sons and my Erin has one. Plus I inherited one when Erin married her Irishman. So I have 5 grandsons, a grand daughter, Sydney due the first week of December and Erin is 9 weeks
http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/my-family-is-growing/ENV2 Update
Thank you for your interest in ENV2 We can't tell you a lot more about it right now because we are under an NDA but we can tell you this much ... Blogs will change any business but an Empower Network Blog will explode your business Here's how we see it .... Empower Network's Viral Blogging Platform will no longer be just a simple Publishing Site It's about to become a Traffic, Leads and Sales Conversion Machine over 3 million dollars has been invested into creating this beast and more is being pumped into the bedrock of what will undoubtedly become ... ... THE talk of Online Business Not just Homes Based Business Not just Internet Marketing Not just Affiliate Marketing Not just MLM or Network Marketing ALL Online Business Any Company, Any Industry, any Profession Because using Empower Network's BRAND NEW Technology .... ANYONE wanting an Online Presence can have it FAST And not just FAST but with more simplicity and ease than ever before. What Should You DO? The million dollar questio
http://archive.aweber.com/getfreedomdream/EKDBT/h/ENV2_Update.htmWednesday, September 18, 2013
The Cutest Vege Dogs You Never Ate
My facebook wall post of the day comes from my friend Jeanne DesJardins Robbins. It is whimsical which suits my mood for the day. Here's the picture:
http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/the-cutest-vege-dogs-you-never-ate/[VIDEO] A Riverboat Ride
A riverboat ride in Nashville, Tenn. I thought you would like to see we are just ordinary people who get to live a special life because of our home business. It wasn't long ago when I was working 6 days a week, overtime every night, and in a job with a stress level that increased daily. I decided there had to be a better way. Here's my riverboat video ...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhxqXB2-c1gandfeature=shareandlist=UU2V5D1fGjuTx3GacDjrDT2A Most people are just getting by in life. Most people do not have enough money to live the life they want and deserve. Most people want to find a better way. I found a better way ...... Click here I look forward to getting to know you. Tom and Lorien
http://archive.aweber.com/getfreedomdream/FZPAT/h/_VIDEO_A_Riverboat_Ride.htmTuesday, September 17, 2013
The Majesty Of The Giant Redwood
This giant redwood is my facebook wall post of the day courtesy of Ira Blue Woods.I grew up in Southern California. As a girl my family went to Sequoia National Park. The giant redwood trees there were magnificent. It has remained one of the favorite places I have been. When you see redwood trees of this stature, it leaves an imprint
http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/the-majesty-of-the-giant-redwood/Monday, September 16, 2013
Change Is Uncomfortable But Necessary For Growth
Change is uncomfortable but necessary for growth. If you want something different you must do something different.I have been uncomfortable many times in my 57 trips around the sun.My first big change came when I was 15 and left my mothers home to go live with my father and his new wife.Second big change came when I moved into church
http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/change-is-uncomfortable-but-necessary-for-growth/Sunday, September 15, 2013
My Views On Gun Control
This is a great sign. So I'm sharing it, along with my view on gun control.The problem is not guns. I saw a post the other day about Cain and Able. Cain killed able with a rock. It's not a gun issue, it's a heart issue.I recently moved from Vermont. In Vermont you can wear a gun openly. I do believe everyone who has a gun should
http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/my-views-on-gun-control/Saturday, September 14, 2013
Tribal Nations Map
I know the day is not even close to being over but this is my facebook wall post of the day:This video is what you will see if you click on the website listed in the post. It is the why behind the creation of the Tribal Nations Map told by the man who created it.Aaron Carapella:Spirit of the Blue FeatherPlease share!I am
http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/tribal-nations-map/Your September Bank Statement
Does your bank balance make you quesy? I hate to break it to you ...... And you probably are not going to like this ...... But things are going to get worse. Here's the good news, I'm about to squash a huge myth. Becoming wealthy is not hard. In fact, it's easier than you think. And, I will prove it to you that YOU (and I'm talking to YOU) ...... you can actually make $10,000 per month and it's not nearly as hard as you think it is right now. And I'm going to prove it to you in 5 minutes and 18 seconds Watch This You can thank me later ;) Tom and Lorien P.S. Results may vary. You may join the great opportunity, not look at the training, sit on your butt and not work at it, disregard our instructions, and ask why you aren't making money. Please see our daily updated income disclosure. Income Disclosure - click here You can get started here
http://archive.aweber.com/getfreedomdream/Bpndj/h/Your_September_Bank.htmHave Fun With Pumpkin
This picture is such fun I had to share it with you. I love pumpkin. I love to eat pumpkin and I love to decorate with pumpkin.
http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/have-fun-with-pumpkin/Friday, September 13, 2013
Latest Adventure In Denver
Howdie folks, Shot a Life With Lorien at the pond today and told you about my adventure driving on flooded roads here in Denver among other things.It's just a catch up on what's going on in our lives at the moment. Staying connected via video with friends and family back in Vermont as well as our internet family who know we have set out on a
http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/latest-adventure-in-denver/How To Teach Your Children To Behave :)
This is my facebook wall post of the day. Brought a smile to my face as I contemplated the number of my friends who would expect me to behave.I actually did behave as a child, so I got to watch cartoons on Saturday mornings. The only other things I was allowed to watch on a regular basis were Rawhide on Friday nights and Disney on Sundays.
http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/how-to-teach-your-children-to-behave/WEIRD STORY
Hiroo Onoda was a Japanese soldier who went to World War II when he was 20 years old. When the war was over....no one told him. And when they DID tell him, he didn't believe them. He thought they were trying to trick him. So, here's what happened: he spent over 30 years of his life following the last orders he got from his commanding officer. He didn't come out of the jungle and rejoin the rest of society until 1975. He was 52 years old. A lot of people will read this story and say, What a tragedy that he wasted his life like that....just going through the motions for all those years because he wasn't willing to see the truth of his situation. But, here's the sad truth: the world is FULL of people who are doing the same thing. They're not in a dark jungle. They're at an office with fluorescent lights. They don't wear a uniform. They wear a suit. They don't carry a gun. They carry a briefcase. Or whatever. You get the point. Every day I see people who live their lives JUST like this Ja
http://archive.aweber.com/getfreedomdream/Jqqaj/h/WEIRD_STORY.htmThursday, September 12, 2013
I Don’t Have To Make You Wrong In Order To Be Right; It’s Called Respect
One of the things I have learned in the last lap of my journey is that what I intend what I say something and what others receive when I say it may be miles apart. Same goes for actions. I may be "saying" one thing with my actions and you may be "hearing" another. When it comes to relationships, regardless of the level of intimacy;
http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/i-dont-have-to-make-you-wrong-in-order-to-be-right-its-called-respect/New England Patriots Highlights
The New England Patriots are playing tonight against the New York Jets so I thought I'd make all the football fans happy and post some videos of Patriots highlights.There are four Patriots fans in the family; my Tom, Travis and Smokey and Chase.Other teams represented are the 49er's (Favor), Dallas (Kelly), Denver (Londa), the Packers
http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/new-england-patriots-highlights/VIDEO: Crazy ex-drug addict shows you how he created $60M in 18 months.... (with no drugs)
Ever met a crazy drug addict? Well....he's actually an EX drug addict.... But he IS a little bit crazy. I mean....take a look at this picture. If you haven't seen this video, stop what you're doing right now and watch this.... Adjust your speakers and click this link right here. You can thank me later. :) Talk soon, Tom and Lorien P.S. Be sure to get what he says at the 11 minute mark... Watch here
http://archive.aweber.com/getfreedomdream/6uf2j/h/VIDEO_Crazy_ex_drug_addict.htmWednesday, September 11, 2013
Rain Is One Of The Best Things Ever
I love rain. It rained most of the morning, cleared up long enough for me to get two walks in and then go get Isaac from school, and it's been raining ever sense. Good times.I love the sound of rain on the roof. We had a metal roof with no insulation between it and us in a home we rented years ago. There was also an open space in the
http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/rain-is-one-of-the-best-things-ever/I noticed you clicked
Hi, Tom here, Question for you...... I see you've been clickin on links I've sent you. But you haven't taken action yet. Why? Until you chose to take action nothing will change. I decided to test the waters a while back. Now, I don't have to go to a job any more. I'm writing you from my RV. I'm in Denver today. I was in Nashville last weekend. I expect to be in Dallas in October. Make a firm decision to change your life. Watch this video - click here Get Started Here You can thank me later :) Tom
Hey, let's connect on facebook. You've been a subscriber for a while. But I have not got to know you. Let's connect to get to know each other. Send a friend request to Tom Zaremski Talk soon, Tom
http://archive.aweber.com/getfreedomdream/LspXj/h/Hey_.htmGet The Best Life Ever
Bliss really is best. What would an extra grand a month do for you? Or taking back the 2,080 hours a year you're spending on a job? How about being able to spend that time with folks you love doing things you enjoy instead? It's not as hard as you think. I did it and I'm not doing anything you can't do. Need proof? Come to the Extreme Team Hang-out tonight at 9:00 pm EST Listen to folks who do what I do tell their stories and spill the beans on how they did it. Here's the link: http://www.weirdmarketingtips.com/team/?id=getfreedomdream Looking for something that gives you hope? Empowers you to create more bliss in your life? This does. Have the best life ever. Lorien
http://archive.aweber.com/getfreedomdream/9Pdfj/h/Get_The_Best_Life_Ever.htmTuesday, September 10, 2013
Want To Change Your Life? Shift From Needy To Deserving!
I had an epiphany this weekend in Nashville, two actually. The first one is this: sometimes you can know something quite well cognitively and never take ownership of it. The second was that I am not needy, I am deserving.I was raised in a very controlling home. My mom was a super women who loved me a lot. Something I didn't realize for
http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/want-to-change-your-life-shift-from-needy-to-deserving/Sunday, September 8, 2013
How To Win In The Game Of Life
In sitting in Nashville in a wonderful room with a balcony overlooking a beautiful garden. My Tom is watching some football. Our business brought us here this weekend. We came to learn how to prosper in our business. We came because we wanted to deepen our relationship. As I sit here now, thinking over the past two days, I know that we
http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/how-to-win-in-the-game-of-life/Camu Camu, One Of The Best Berries On Earth
Empowering others to live the life of their dreams Get The Freedom Dream BlogIn This Issue... 2013-09-04 19:19:09-04 - Camu Camu, One Of The Best Berries On Earth I used to get Migraines, used to being the important point here. Several years ago I embarked on a discovery of superfoods and what small amounts of them could do for you. As a result of my findings, I began incorporating a few of them into a water based drink I made for Tom and I each morning. A few months later I realized I was no longer... Read more... Share this email Did someone forward this to you? Subscribe Here! Subscribe via RSS Get live updates in your web browser window. Unsubscribe If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter you can unsubscribe here. Email Template powered by AWeber
http://archive.aweber.com/getfreedomdream/PGuSz/h/Camu_Camu_One_Of_The_Best.htmThursday, September 5, 2013
Geese Piles, Intelligence, Football and a Weekend Adventure
Howdie folks, Life With Lorien today has pictures of the piles of geese in the shade while I'm taking my noonish laps around the pond. There are lot's of them.I think each major tree had a pile of geese in it's shade. I only took a picture of trees with more then 10 geese.I also took a video of their favorite hang out spot. There were just
http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/geese-piles-intelligence-football-and-a-weekend-adventure/Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Camu Camu, One Of The Best Berries On Earth
I used to get Migraines, used to being the important point here. Several years ago I embarked on a discovery of superfoods and what small amounts of them could do for you. As a result of my findings, I began incorporating a few of them into a water based drink I made for Tom and I each morning. A few months later I realized I was no longer
http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/camu-camu-one-of-the-best-berries-on-earth/Are you still looking for a new online income?
Hey, quick question.... Are you still looking for a way to make money online? I just saw this video for the first time and I'm genuinely impressed. If you want more money today than you had yesterday, this is probably the simplest way to do it... Get all the details and get started Talk soon, Tom and Lorien
http://archive.aweber.com/getfreedomdream/9YA0z/h/Are_you_still_looking_for_a.htmTuesday, September 3, 2013
What is Personal Development and Why Does It Matter?
I have been reading Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz, great book. If the concept of personal development is new to you, this book is an excellent place to start. Folks tend to shy away from personal development because they have a mis-guided belief that it means there's something wrong with them. It does not.It means that humans have
http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/what-is-personal-development-and-why-does-it-matter/Fish, Plants, Puzzles, Genetics and Fun Stuff I Get To Do
Howdie Folks, Life with Lorien today was fun to make. I'm sitting in my rocker in front of one of Smokeys fish tanks which got me talking about some of the things my kids enjoy that were a part of my life they never witnessed or didn't see much of.I remember having fish once when my kids were growing up and I did like Beta's, always had
http://www.empowernetwork.com/getfreedomdream/fish-plants-puzzles-genetics-and-fun-stuff-i-get-to-do/Monday, September 2, 2013
Labor Day Every Day
Howdie , Lorien here. It's Labor Day here in America, which means folks get an extra day added to their weekend in honor of the fact that they work hard all year. Trouble is, all that work is putting money into someone else's pocket and not much is coming back to yours. You've asked to get my e-mails because you have a dream inside. A hope that someday, somehow, life would get better for you and all your hard work would pay you more then just an extra day off every year and the ability to get by. That day is a decision away. Tonight at 9:00 the leaders in my company host our Empower Hour call. The company is aptly named. It Empowers you to take control of your life and teaches you how to take correct action towards your dreams so you can have what you want. I'd like to invite you to listen in on this call. The number is 1-209-255-1040. You can have a magical life. Really you can.........
http://archive.aweber.com/getfreedomdream/G_UPz/h/Labor_Day_Every_Day.htmJust An Ol’ Fashioned Love Song Set
Music sooths my soul and speaks to the deep places in my heart I hide from myself. I was listening to a favorite love song from earlier days while I was trying to figure out what to do with todays blog. Decided to share the song with you and just went on from there. So what you're getting today is a set of Lorien's favorite love songs.