Friday, September 13, 2013


Hiroo Onoda was a Japanese soldier who went to World War II when he was 20 years old. When the war was one told him. And when they DID tell him, he didn't believe them. He thought they were trying to trick him. So, here's what happened: he spent over 30 years of his life following the last orders he got from his commanding officer. He didn't come out of the jungle and rejoin the rest of society until 1975. He was 52 years old. A lot of people will read this story and say, What a tragedy that he wasted his life like that....just going through the motions for all those years because he wasn't willing to see the truth of his situation. But, here's the sad truth: the world is FULL of people who are doing the same thing. They're not in a dark jungle. They're at an office with fluorescent lights. They don't wear a uniform. They wear a suit. They don't carry a gun. They carry a briefcase. Or whatever. You get the point. Every day I see people who live their lives JUST like this Ja

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