Wednesday, October 9, 2013

It's coming....

Fifty years ago, it was 1,000,000 to 1: for every person on the news, there were a million people just consuming the information. When the magazine industry exploded, the ratio was closer to 100,000 to 1. Cable TV brought the ratio down to 10,000 to 1. If you wanted to find a TV show about how to cook Cajun food...or a show about underwater was there. Youtube and blogs brought it down to 1,000:1. If you had a bit of technical know-how you could become an authority in your field like the Pioneer Woman....or Seth Godin (who inspired this particular post, in fact). But, now we have the opportunity to LEAP forward: a new publishing platform that's launching in just a few days that will enable ANYONE -- regardless of technical knowledge -- to instantly publish content right from their mobile phone... -- Imagine shooting a video on your iPhone, pushing a button and pushing it straight onto your website.....without ever having to fool with embed codes? -- Imagine snappi

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Would you like a $100 per Day Raise?

A simple $100 per day raise would change most people's lives. And it's a lot simpler than most people think. Think about it: if you knew that every morning you had an extra $100 in your bank account that wasn't there when you went to bed.... ...what would you do differently? Would you say yes to your kids more often about things they ask for? Would you be able to eat out more often? Take that special person on a weekend getaway? Have an amazing Christmas holiday full of gifts? It's simpler than you think. You have no idea. Visit http://www.weirdmarketingtips. com/en4/?id=getfreedomdream for details. * The average person will not do what I'm describing. Why? Because average people never follow through on anything. That's why they're called average. See the income disclosure on our website for details about what the average and non-average people achieve with this plan or you can click here. I did this and was able to quit my 70K job, have my wife quit her job, buy a RV with cash and hi

Friday, October 4, 2013

Can Your Whole Week Be The Weekend?

You're In The Right Place at The Right Time

Is it possible that as you read this, there may be a hidden power, guiding you to the right path - the right decision, and in this moment - you're in the right place, at the right time? You are! ..... Watch This For one second - I want you to remember a time in your life... that perhaps something happened to you, something unexpected, and in one moment - you were filled with an insight, made a decision, and it altered the course of your life. Got it? This is your chance ... Watch This You can create any meaning, from any experience - and use that meaning to create whatever you want, whenever you want in life. We want you to have what you want in life. We made these changes ... and we are smiling. Let us help you get to where you want to be. Click here We look forward to getting to know you. Tom and Lorien

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Love the Girl, Love the Dove, Love Them Together

I love this picture.  I love the girl, I love the dove and I love them together.Having a Christian background, the dove represents the Spirit to me.   I am no longer a Christian, preferring instead to simply be a follower of Jesus who allows others including myself to participate in a full range of spiritual experiences.I love the

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Why Creating A Seven Figure Income Matters To Me And Why I’ve Chosen Empower Network To Create It

Todays life with Lorien is about me, my heart, my purpose, why I need a seven figure income to accomplish it and why I've chosen Empower Network to create it.Everyone has a purpose in life. Not everyone discovers what it is. If I can empower folks to discover who they are and what they want I've given them something priceless. If I can then

A Lifetime Of Charlie Brown

Are You The CEO Of Your Life?