Can I offer some straight talk out of love? If you're broke, do something about it. Quit making excuses for it. Quit acting like it's okay or acceptable to be a grown adult who can't pay their bills. Quit acting like it's not a serious problem just because a few million OTHER people are having the same experience. It's not okay. Here's why: everyone has X amount of time, energy and creativity to use every day. And when you're spend ALL your time, energy and creativity trying to figure out how to rob Peter so you can pay Paul. You spend ALL your time, energy and creativity playing games like How can I keep my electricity and phone on at the same time? And, How can I pay my car payment and still get my daughter something for her birthday this week? Result: you are SPENT. You give 100% of your time, effort and energy to satisfy your own needs. And if all you ever do is focus on your own are you supposed to ever be a contribution to anyone else? Your creativity
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