Monday, May 12, 2014

"rich people suck"

Hey, it's Tom here.... This is not a short email, but smart people will read it all the way through. So, if you don't have time to read this entire email right now, save it as Unread and/or print it out to read later. It's that important I didn't grow up rich. Maybe you didn't either. I wasn't exactly destitute. I don't remember missing any meals. But, I know what it's like to wear hand-me-down clothes. Or not feeling like I fit in with the other kids because I didn't have the latest Best New Thing. And, just like you, I heard a lot of talk about money when I was growing up. Mostly from grownups who said things like: -- Money doesn't grow on trees -- The love of money is the root of all evil -- We might not be wealthy but at least we're honest -- Maybe it's just not God's will for me to have money Ever heard those? I'll bet you have. You can probably add a few I haven't heard before. In fact, here's one that we've ALL learned. How do I know? Because it's a constant theme in every movi

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