Thursday, September 11, 2014

Make Today That Day

Hey , Lorien here fromGetTheFreedomDream. Are you living the life you've imagined you'd be living? Are you making the money you want to make? Have you started doing things that bring you happiness? If you're like most people reading this email you're answer is: No. BUT, one day I will be. Let me ask you... Why not make that one day today? Too many people fall prey to the I'll do it tomorrow syndrome. The truth is -tomorrow never comes. All you have is today. ... And despite the inner voice in your head whispering... You can't do it I'm saying you can. You can make today the day. You may be wondering to yourself how do I do that? Here's how: Step 1: Tell yourself today is the day Step 2: Take action on a dream. Life is a journey, a series of steps. No matter how big the goal, it can be broken down into as many small steps as it takes for you to get there. There is always a step that can be taken. Take it. ttp:// easier/?id=getfreedomdream is a step you can take t

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