Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Secret To Great Results

Everyone wants to know the secret to getting results in a home business. As soon as you join a home business opportunity, you see and hear about the success stories. And then you ask yourself," What is their secret?" Some of us take initiative and ask what the secret is. We are told there is not one. We are told to be persistent, learn the skills of the trade, apply the training we are given, and take massive action to get massive results.These are real factors of success in a home business. But what if there really is a secret to getting great results in your business?

Let me start by telling you a personal story. In first grade I had a music teacher that told my parents that it was an impossibility for me to ever learn to play clarinet. I continued to teach myself for the rest of my life. The result of my persistence was I ended up representing the United States competing internationally throughout Europe. I even received a standing ovation from 14,000 people in an international stage band competition after a sax solo. I'm telling you this to point out that telling your story has great results. Story tellers make great marketers.

The secret to great results in your home business is simply to tell your story. The people getting the best results are the ones who are always telling their story. They tell and show people about the results they have had and it causes even better results. In other words, they use a result to create another result by telling the story of the first result. This is a fantastic approach to marketing. Talking about your results replaces the grinding out success.

I have a friend, a self-made millionaire in the industry, who I have watched use this secret extensively. He started in our company making Facebook posts. On one day he would say, " I didn't expect this, but I made $75 today just from making a couple posts and placing an ad." Then the next day I would see him posting more social proof with a screenshot or a video. He would point out how his income keeps climbing and now today he made $200. He was continually telling his story, going from one victory to another. The secret of telling his story was always producing greater results. He continues to tell his story to this day.

You can use this secret even if you are new to the business. You simply use someone else's story until you have one of your own. I did this myself. I used friend's stories until I had one of my own. And I still use their stories, from time to time. The secret to success is talking about the success you have already had.

Now, I have to caution you about one thing. Never share your struggles while you are in them. Keep them a secret. You can share your struggles after you have your way through them. Then they become part of your story. The secret to getting results is talking about your victories, where you have come from, and where your achievements have brought you. The secret to success is telling your story of success. Only after your hardships, mistakes, and failures are a thing of the past, do you share them as part of your story. Until then, keep them a secret.

This is an example of part of my story. I told people how I made my first $25 online on Christmas in 2011. Then, I shared how I had my first $3,000 day on Christmas of 2012. When I shared this part of my story, I attached a screenshot of my success. I have done this repeatedly as I have more and more successes. I can directly attribute the secret to many of my results to sharing the results I have already had.

The secret to great results in your business is to tell your story. You can use the results you get to create more results. Become a story teller in your business. E-mails that tell stories produce far greater results. People relate to them and tell themselves that they can do it too. Yes, there is a secret to marketing. The secret is to always be telling your story.

My story grows better every day. Click here to start your story.

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